Installation Videos
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Catch Basin Installation Guides
1. Remove existing casting and rings or cover plate to expose concrete structure.
2. Stretch string line or position straightedge to determine height adjustment required.
3. Combine various ring heights, in both flat and slope, to reach desired adjustment. Rings are to be placed with pocket openings down and tabs extending into structure or lower rings. Note: Slope rings are tapered from side to side at an angle to prove a 1% to 3% grade compensation. * If needed provide 1/4 inch spacer to fit final grade.
4. If offset of rings is needed to achieve casting-to-curb alignment, use a saw to remove interlocking tabs from underside of ring(s) as necessary. Removal of tabs from one side of end of ring will allow up to 2 “ of offset. Offset should not exceed this amount per ring. Removal of tabs from more than one side will allow for rotation of the rings. Note: Total offset of all rings should not exceed 4” without a concrete collar being poured to maintain stability and integrity of structure. Note: No butyl material is required between rings.
5. Place castings on ring(s).
6. If the specifying engineer requires a woven, unwoven or poly fabric wrap, it should be applied at this time. If used, the wrap should extend over casting flange and a minimum of 4” below top edge of concrete structure. If oversize manhole with top slab, wrap should rest a minimum of 6” out from rings and on top of slab.
*If a concrete collar is poured around catch basin ring and casting, fabric is not required.
7. Backfill around structure.
Pour concrete collar around structure if required by specifying engineer.
Special Instructions for other adjustments:
1. Should offset of rings on structure be required, a portion of the interlocking lip of the first Rings may be cut off. Offset should not exceed 2” per ring. Total offset should not exceed 4” without a concrete collar being poured to maintain stability and integrity of structure.
Further Questions?
Contact Your Ladtech Distributor Or :
Ladtech at 651-415-1252 or Toll Free 877-ADJ-RING (235-7464)